Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back in Time: May 2008 post "Stella Swims" (Sixes River)

Stella is our 1 year old Ridgeback who's a riot, clown, and splashed
herself in the water, jumped in once to chase something and then
wouldn't go in again. I got her in the river the good rearend way and
then carried her out a bit. The first time I let go she tried to make
it to the other side of the river!

I'm the first to say that I much prefer 94 degrees to 'cool river water'!!
I swam with Vaastu the sheltie, Stella and my friend's "All-American"
who swims on her own a lot, but liked the massage too. :)

(here's a 10 second video -- as you can see, Stella's fast!)

Despite probably a total of 30 minutes of swimming she was still
running around at my friend's ranch afterwards. Ah, puppies.

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